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E23: Sourcing Sustainable Fabrics with Charlie Bradley Ross

offset warehouse sourcing sustainable fabrics

Many graduate designers encounter challenges along the way of making it in the fashion industry that often leads them to set up a business that aims to solve the very problem they faced. One such fashion entrepreneur is Charlie Brandley Ross who is the founder of Offset Warehouse and the Sustainable Fashion Collective. Episode Notes: […]

E22: Edwina Huang: The answer to fashion sustainability is scalability

edwina huang phoenxt fashion insiders podcast

  What can you do if you know that the world can be your oyster and you are passionate about fashion and sustainability? In the case of our guest – Edwina Huang creating a solution to an age-old problem was the answer. As the founder of Phoenxt fabric technology company,  she turns waste fabrics into beautiful new fabrics.  […]

E17: 5 Ideas on How to Turn Fashion Deadstock Into Cash

deatstock fashion excess stock top tips

How to Turn Fashion Deadstock Into Cash Leftover stock in any shape or form is deadstock. Literally! It sits on a shelf, clothes rail, or under a table gathering dust. Yet – it cost you money, to begin with, to acquire. We all know that … Cash is king. Building a fashion brand and business […]

How to Find the Right Factory to Make Your Product


How to find a factory to make your product? A common question anyone looking to turn their fashion idea into a reality will ask countless times. Not because it is hard to find contacts these days, but simply because the prospect of contacting a manufacturer, whether by phone or through email, for the first time can be a scary one.

Cut Make and Trim (CMT) vs Fully Factored (FF) Fashion Manufacturing

CMT manufacturing

As a fashion designer, exploring the options in regards to manufacturing, there are many things to consider. One of the hardest and most important decisions would be how to get your bulk production made. Learn how successful brands do it and the two most widely used methods they work to.

9 Tips To Help You Find The Right Fashion Manufacturer

Finding the right fashion manufacturer for your idea is not an easy task at the best of times. In fact, entering the world of manufacturing can be a heady mix of initial excitement followed by angst, unnecessary expense, and frustration.

5 tested tips for finding the right fashion manufacturer

Utelier - finding the right fashion manufacturer

Finding a good manufacturer is not as tricky as many believe it to be. Like with any first business meeting, you need to go prepared and armed with clear information about who you are, what your business is about, where you want to go, and what you need out of this meeting.